New Brunswick

Provincial Nominee Program

New Brunswick is one of Canada’s northeastern Maritime Provinces. New Brunswick is the only officially bilingual province in Canada, with about 30 percent of the population speaking French as a first language. New Brunswick is home to a number of cities such as Fredericton, Saint John, and Moncton.

The NBPNP is New Brunswick’s Provincial Nominee Program. Through the NBPNP, prospective immigrants with the skills and experience targeted by the province may receive a New Brunswick provincial nomination certificate. With this nomination, foreign nationals may then apply for Canadian permanent residence. The NBPNP accepts applications under the following immigration categories:

Express Entry Labour Market Stream

The New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) has developed and launched its Express Entry Labour Market Stream. This stream allows the NBPNP to use the federal Express Entry immigration selection system to meet New Brunswick’s specific labour market and demographic needs. This stream operates under an ‘Expression of Interest’ model. Learn more about the NBPNP Express Entry Labour Market Stream.

Skilled Workers with Family Support

New Brunswick accepts applications under this category from individuals who have worked in New Brunswick and have close family ties to the province. Learn more about the NBPNP Skilled Workers with Family Support Stream.

New Brunswick Skilled Worker with Family Support Stream

This category targets individuals who have worked in New Brunswick and have close family ties to the province. Under this stream, the skilled worker applicant, or his or her spouse, must be sponsored by a family member in New Brunswick. In order to be eligible, the applicant must be related to the family supporter in one of the following ways:

  • Non-dependent child
  • Brother or sister
  • Niece or nephew (children of brothers or sisters)
  • Grandchild

Minimum Requirements for Applicants

In order to be eligible under the Skilled Worker with Family Support stream, candidates must:

  • Be between 22 and 50 years of age;
  • Have sufficient English or French ability to settle in New Brunswick and fulfil the job duties in their intended occupation. Language test results must be no more than two years old and must come from a designated testing agency;
  • Have the education, qualifications, and/or license/certification needed to perform the job duties in their intended occupation;
    • Applicants must have either a post-secondary academic degree requiring at minimum three years of full-time study, or a diploma in a specific trade requiring at minimum two years of full-time study.
  • Have at least two years of continuous, full-time work experience in their intended occupation in New Brunswick, within the last five years;
  • Have a job that is represented in one of the following National Occupation Classification (NOC) skill levels:
    • Skill levels 0, A or B
    • Skill level C, Category 1, 3, 7, 8, or 9
    • Skill level D, Category 1, 3, 7, 8, or 9
  • Demonstrate an intent to live and work in New Brunswick and submit a Settlement Plan approved by an immigration Program Officer; and
  • Have the funds to settle in New Brunswick.
    • A minimum of $10,000 CAD and an additional $2,000 for each accompanying family member are required.

Minimum Requirements for Family Supporters

In order to be eligible under the Skilled Worker with Family Support stream, a Family Supporter must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen or Canadian permanent resident, and reside full-time in New Brunswick;
  • Be operating a business in New Brunswick for at least 12 consecutive months at the date of receipt of the NBPNP application; or
  • Have been working in New Brunswick for at least 12 consecutive months at the date of receipt of the NBPNP application;
    • The job must be represented in one of the following NOC skill levels:
      • Skill levels 0, A, or B
      • Skill level C, Category 1, 3, 7, 8, or 9
  • Be financially self-supporting;
  • Participate in an interview with an official from the Population Growth Division;
  • Assist the applicant with a settlement plan; and
  • Support only one applicant at a time.

When Not to Apply

Candidates should not apply if the Family Supporter has:

  • Sponsored a family member, in the past, through the Citizenship and Immigration Canada Family Sponsorship Program and failed to comply with the Sponsorship Agreement;
  • Supported and Applicant, in the past, through the NBPNP where the family member is not living and working in New Brunswick;
  • Defaulted on a Court Order for alimony or child support; or
  • Been charged or convicted of a violent crime and/or are in prison.

Skilled Workers with Employer Support

New Brunswick accepts applications under this category from individuals who have received a full-time, permanent job offer from a New Brunswick employer. Learn more about the NBPNP Skilled Workers with Employer Support Stream.

Provincial Nominee Program: Post-Graduate Entrepreneurial Stream

The Post-Graduate Entrepreneurial Stream (PGES) is an economic immigration option under the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP). It is open to individuals who have graduated from a recognized university or community college in New Brunswick.

This stream offers a pathway to reside in New Brunswick permanently for individuals who have graduated from a recognized academic institution in New Brunswick, and have started or acquired a business in the province.In order to apply for the NBPNP PGES, individuals need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour and be invited to apply when the province selects the highest-ranked candidates will be selected to submit an application for a provincial nomination under the NBPNP.This page will explain the following topics:

Eligibility Requirements for Applicants

The first step for eligible individuals is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form. An EOI will be reviewed based on the following factors: age, language, education, work experience, the economic benefit of the business (to the province), and adaptability. Candidates who have submitted an EOI are ranked under the unique PGES points system.Each factor receives a score. The applicant must score a minimum of 65 out of 100 to be considered eligible to apply to the program. The following table outlines each factor with the maximum number of points that may be awarded.

Expression of Interest Points

The first step for eligible individuals is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form. An EOI will be reviewed based on the following factors: age, language, education, work experience, the economic benefit of the business (to the province), and adaptability. Candidates who have submitted an EOI are ranked under the unique PGES points system.Each factor receives a score. The applicant must score a minimum of 65 out of 100 to be considered eligible to apply to the program. The following table outlines each factor with the maximum number of points that may be awarded.




Note: Individuals possessing educational credentials exclusively outside New Brunswick are ineligible to apply. The term “equivalent” refers to the possibility for an applicant to list any further educational credential obtained outside New Brunswick (an Educational Credential Assessment [ECA] is required) in addition to the education completed in New Brunswick.

Work Experience

Economic Benefit of the Business


Eligibility Requirements for the Business

For a business to be considered eligible under the PGES, it needs to meet the following minimum criteria:

  • The business must have been in operation for a minimum one year prior to submission of application;
  • The applicant must have 100 percent ownership of the equity of the business;
  • The applicant must receive compensation in the form of a salary from the business which must, at minimum, meet the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) as defined by statistics Canada + 10 percent;
  • The business must create at least one full-time job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident apart from a family member. The position must meet prevailing wage levels and must be directly related to the business;

For more information visit: Additional requirements for the business and List of ineligible business.

Application Assessment and Interview

Once an applicant receives an ITA, they have 90 days to submit a full application to the Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.If the Department is satisfied with the application, the applicant will receive a request for an interview with an NBPNP Immigration Officer. The applicant needs to be available for an interview within 15 business days of receiving the request. The interview includes a site visit. There are two possible outcomes following the interview:

  1. Refusal Decision: If the interview was unsuccessful, the applicant will receive a refusal letter from the Department with no possibility for appeal.
  2. Nomination Decision: If the interview was successful, the applicant will receive a Certificate of Nomination which remains valid for six months from the date of issuance.

Following Nomination

The application for permanent residence visa must be submitted to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) prior to the expiry date indicated on the Certificate of Nomination. Within 30 days following landing date in Canada, the applicant must report his or her landing, in writing to the Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. 

1-Entrepreneurial Stream

New Brunswick accepts applications under this category from individuals who plan to own and actively manage a business in New Brunswick. Applicants are expected to make a monetary investment in the business. Learn more about the NBPNP Entrepreneurial Stream.

2-New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Stream

This category of New Brunswick’s Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) targets qualified foreign entrepreneurs who are interested in owning and actively managing a business that will contribute to New Brunswick’s economy.

This stream functions as an Expression of Interest (EOI) system. The first step in this process is the submission of an EOI to the New Brunswick Department of Post Secondary Education, Training and Labour.

Once an application is reviewed and assessed based on the eligibility requirements, an applicant is assigned a score based on various factors.

The highest-ranked candidates are invited to submit an application for a provincial nomination under the NBPNP.

3-Minimum Requirements

In order to be eligible as a Business Applicant, individuals must: 

  • Be between 22 and 55 years of age;
  • Have a minimum of a two-year post-secondary education after high school;
  • Have a minimum level of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 in English or French;
  • Demonstrate an intention to live and operate a business in New Brunswick;
    • The applicant must assume a day-to-day management role in the business.
  • Provide a business plan, approved by a New Brunswick government official, that will show how the business will benefit New Brunswick;
  • Have a personal net worth of at least $600,000 CAD of which $300,000 must be unaffected by debts or other obligations;
  • Have at least three out of five years of experience in managing and owning a business (of at least 33.3%);
    or have five years out of five of experience in a senior business management role or more
  • Want to live permanently in New Brunswick, while owning and managing a local business;
  • Present a business concept that demonstrates the potential to provide significant economic benefit to the province; and
  • Score at least 65 points on New Brunswick’s unique selection grid.

4-Selection Factors

If all other eligibility criteria (outlined above) are met and the business plan is approved, applicants will be assessed according to the following selection factors. In order to qualify for the Business Applicant Stream, candidates must score a minimum of 65 points.

Factor 1: Age

Factor 2: Language

Applicant must meet the minimum level of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 in English or French in all four language abilities: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Factor 3: Education
Applicants may be awarded a maximum 25 points for education and must have a minimum of two years post-secondary education after high school.

Factor 4: Personal net worth

Applicants must have a verifiable personal net worth of at least $600,000 CAD of which $300,000 CAD must be liquid and unencumbered by debts and/or other obligations.

Even though there are no points awarded for meeting the requirements for personal net worth, applicants must be able to answer “yes” to the following two questions:

  1. Does the applicant have $600,000 CAD, or greater, in total personal net worth?
  2. Does the applicant have at least $300,000 CAD of personal net worth readily transferable and completely unaffected by debts and/or other obligations?
Factor 5: Business Ownership and /or Senior Management Experience

Applicants are assessed based on the number of years they have owned a business or worked as a senior manager in a business during the last five years as well as based on the type of management experience. Applicants may be awarded a maximum of 20 points based on business ownership and/or senior management experience

Factor 6: Business Plan

Under the Entrepreneurial Stream, all candidates are required to submit a business plan with their application. The business plan is a written document explaining how the business will operate.

In developing the business plan, candidates need to show they have conducted extensive research and considered all economic, market and cultural factors. Candidates may receive a maximum of 15 points for the business plan. The plan in is presented in two phases:

  1. Business concept of 1,000 to 1,500 words submitted with the EOI.
  2. Business plan submitted with the application. The business plan must demonstrate that the business poses economic benefits to New Brunswick and operates with the sole purpose of earning profits by providing products and/or services. The plan must align with the business concept presented in the EOI stage.

* Candidates must meet at least two conditions to claim total points

Factor 7: Adaptability Points for Spouse or Common-Law Partner
A candidate may be awarded a maximum of 5 points if his or her spouse/common-law partner has studied or worked in New Brunswick and meets the minimum language requirements.

Business Investment

Applicants must be prepared to make a minimum business investment of $125,000 CAD in New Brunswick. Qualifying investments include:

  • Purchase of land and/or building for business purposes;
  • Moving costs for devices, equipment, and goods required for business operation;
  • Purchase of manufacturing equipment;
  • Purchase of office equipment, computers, and similar equipment;
  • Expenses for marketing and promotions;
  • Expenses for professional services in connection with establishing the business;
  • Purchase of initial inventory;
  • Intellectual property;

When Not to Apply

Candidates should not apply if they:

  • Have an application in process under another immigration program in Canada;
  • Are not lawfully residing in their country of residence at the time an application is received at the NBPNP Office (proof of lawful residence is required);
  • Have an unresolved humanitarian and compassionate claim in Canada;
  • Are failed humanitarian and compassionate claimants living in Canada;
  • Have an unresolved refugee claim in Canada;
  • Are failed refugee claimants living in Canada;
  • Are under a removal order in Canada;
  • Are prohibited from entering Canada;
  • Are engaged in full-time post-secondary education;
  • Are live-in caregivers; or
  • Are seasonal workers.

Business Trip

Applicants are required to take a business trip to New Brunswick, prior to submitting their application, in order to become better acquainted with the province’s business environment. The trip must be a minimum of five full business days, not including travel days, interview days, and statutory holidays.

During the trip, applicants are required to conduct extensive research. It is recommended that candidates set up meetings with various business people and officials in New Brunswick to aid in this research.

Following the business trip, applicants are required to participate in an interview with an NBPNP official to discuss the findings of their trip including topics such as identification of business opportunities, labour requirements, competition, suppliers, market trends, taxes and financials, etc. 

The New Brunswick business trip and the interview with an NBPNP official must take place within one year of the date on the candidate’s Notice of Interview.


After completing the business trip, applicants are required to attend an interview in New Brunswick with an NBPNP official. The purpose of this interview is to evaluate the applicant based on his/her:

  • Ability to speak, listen, and understand English or French;
  • Previous management experience;
  • Understanding of business in New Brunswick;
  • Overall suitability to become economically established in New Brunswick; and
  • Other topics relevant to the immigration application.

Applicants have three options when considering a business in New Brunswick. They may:

  1. Purchase an existing business;
  2. Enter into a partnership with a New Brunswick entrepreneur; or,
  3. Start a new business.

In order to qualify, the applicant must control a minimum percentage of equity in the business, equal to or greater than 33.33 percent.

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Salam Abdul Samad Law Firm was established in 2004 in Beirut. Since then, it has grown and became a highly reputable law firm in Lebanon.

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